What About Words That Free You

The words we use make a difference, not only in communicating with others but in creating our selves. As the subtitle of this book (“What You Say Is What You Become”) implies, its purpose is to make readers aware of the words in their minds and how they affect their lives, both negatively and positively.

“Words carry an energy, whether I want them to or not,” says the author, Jacques Martel. “The word itself, plus the intention I put into it, will determine the repercussions it will have on me or on others.”

Several chapters in this volume are dedicated to specific words and phrases that make a difference, such as:

The Power of Saying “I Know” Instead of “I Think” or “I Believe.”

The Power of Using “I”

The Power of Saying “Here” Instead of “There”

The Potent Power of Saying THANKS

These are simple but effective examples of the practical communications tips scattered throughout this little volume.