Stop Whiteflies from Ruining Veg Crops

Good garden hygiene practice will help to prevent whiteflies from spreading their infection, according to Resh Gala in Vegetable Gardening Made Easy.

Regularly monitoring plants for infested leaves and destroying them will help in controlling the multiplication of whiteflies and further infection to other healthy plants.

Look out for whiteflies by regularly checking for small, white insects, yellowed leaves, or sticky honeydew on leaves.

Prune and dispose of leaves or plants that show infection well away from the garden to stop the spread. Place removed plant material into a closed bag prior to disposal.

The garden must be cleaned of garbage and weeds, which might provide a place for whiteflies to multiply and mature. Sterilize gardening tools very often, which will help prevent the transport of pests.

Doing all of the above lessens stress on plants, so that proper growth and yield are achieved with better plant health in the garden.