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Constitution Day Quiz

Answers to the Constitution Quiz posted on Constitution Day.

1) d. James Madison, the fourth U.S. president. He was the key figure in drafting the Constitution and a force in pushing for a Bill of Rights. Madison was the only member of the Constitutional Convention to attend every meeting and he kept a detailed journal that was kept secret until after his death, purchased for $30,000 in 1837 by the U.S. government and then published in 1840.
2) b. George Washington.
3) True.
4) c. His Highness the President of the United States of America and Protector of their Liberties. The Senate and House finally compromised on president.
5) b. public education. It’s nowhere in the document; it’s an issue reserved to the states.
6) c. 10 years
7) a. No bill of rights. George Mason of Virginia and Edmund Randolph of Massachusetts refused to sign in large because of this. One was added — the first 10 Amendments — three years after the ratification of the Constitution.
8) The Constitution has 4,543 words, including the signatures but not the certificate on the interlineations; and takes about half an hour to read. The Declaration of Independence has 1,458 words, with the signatures, and takes about ten minutes to read.
9) d. Rhode Island. It was the last state to ratify the Constitution too.
10) The Twenty-first Amendment, in 1933, repealed the prohibition of alcohol, which was established by the Eighteenth Amendment, 1919. More than 11,000 amendments have been introduced in Congress; 33 have gone to the states to be ratified and 27 became amendments to the Constitution.
11) Yes. The Constitution allows impeachment by the House and trial of the accused by the Senate sitting as a court of “all civil Officers,” which includes the justices.
12) a. Washington, D.C. tops the list again this year with 15.21% of test takers achieving perfect scores. Texas 14.28%, New York 13.79%, Illinois 13.78% and Iowa 13.41%.

BONUS: 9 states

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