Authoritative Guide to Filmmaking

Third Edition
by Kris Malkiewicz and M. David Mullen

Now in its third edition, this authoritative guide to filmmaking joins the digital age with updated information on picture and sound editing, recording, and the production of special effects, incorporating new digital tools and techniques that were available to only the most well-financed studios when the second edition was published a decade ago.

The focus of the book, however, is still on 16mm filmmaking in general and the cinematographer in particular. "Film is still the primary method of capturing moving images and showing them in theaters," authors Kriz Malkiewicz and M. David Mullen point out, "yet coverting that image into a digital format for editing, visual effects manipulation, color-correction, and final distribution to home video and broadcast and cable television systems is unavoidable. Therefore, film and digital are partners more than competitors."

The fundamental principles of photography and lighting, essential to any kind of filmmaking, are all carefully explained along with instruction in camerwork, film stock, and audio recording. Most of the revisions to this student text are in post-production, where digitalization had made its greatest impact.