Options for Xeriscaping

To start developing a water-efficient landscape, design and organize it with irrigation in mind. Having a nicely landscaped yard while conserving water is more than choosing drought tolerant plant species.

Xeriscaping, which is a term trademarked by Denver Water, is the wise use of water through water-efficient landscaping. Its principles are based on common sense and thoughtful planning.

Many folks think irrigation means a high pressure sprinkler system, but while that may be the ticket for high water use areas like lawns, that's not always the best way to water. Drip irrigation, soaker hoses and bubblers use much less water and may be used to irrigate individual plants, avoiding watering the areas between the plants.

Arrange water-efficient landscape groups plants together based on their watering needs. Plants with moderate watering needs, such as those needing water once per week, should be planted together and watered using drip or trickle systems. Plants with low watering needs, such as those needing only an occasional shot with a hose, also should be grouped together. Using more water than your plants need is not only wasteful, with excess running over hot cement or onto nearby weeds, but isn't best for the plants.

High pressure water often results in runoff and wasted water. A slow, gentle stream will soak in more deeply than a hard, fast shot. Low pressure sprinkler systems like drip emitters, bubblers and soakers deliver small amounts of water exactly where needed.

Whether xeriscaping or maintaining a traditional landscape, pay attention to the time of day and the weather when watering. It's most efficient to water in the early morning when temperatures are rising. The roots will stay moist and leaf blades will dry more quickly than when watered in the night, reducing the chance of disease.

Modify watering practices according to plants' needs, season and the weather. With an automatic lawn watering system, consider installing a rain sensor that will turn the system off in the rain. And speaking of rain, collect or channel rainwater for use in the garden. That water is free!

Avoid watering during hot, windy periods, particularly with sprinklers that throw fine mist into the air. Much of that water never reaches the plants due to rapid evaporation. Low-mowed Kentucky bluegrass lawns require more water than any other plant in the landscape. If you set mower blades higher, the grass uses less water. In addition, the roots will grow more deeply in response to the additional blade growth, and the blades of grass will transpire water into the air more slowly.

Another xeriscaping possibility is to reduce the area of turf grass in the landscape. Remove the sod, incorporate organic matter into the top six inches of soil, and cover the area with a landscape cloth and mulch for an attractive start to a perennial bed that can be watered with drip irrigation.

Often overlooked as a potential xeriscaping tool is a flagstone pathway. Such paths are an attractive addition to yards, giving a nice walkway and also leading the eye to a focal point further into the garden, such as a nice specimen tree or bush. Creeping thyme can be used to fill in between flagstones. There are several different species of thyme, however. Common or garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris) would not be a good choice between flagstones, but woolly thyme, (Thymus pseudolanuginosus) or mother of thyme (Thymus serpyllum) would.

Some homeowners have converted small yards into a series of multi-level entertainment decks, complete with beautiful potted plants, table and barbeque, eliminating the mowing and watering of grass completely.

Flagstone Pathway

Flagstone Pathway